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car maintenance warning signs
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Car Maintenance Warning Signs: Everything You Need to Know

What is Regular Car Maintenance?  

Car maintenance and repair involves locating, repairing and inspecting issues present in one of the components that make up the car. From minor lookouts such as headlights and AC to major problems involving the battery and the engine.  

Regular car maintenance helps keep troubles away while driving.  The more frequent the checks, the less the risks.  

When should you do Maintenance on your Car?  

Different mileage, different answer. Each automobile company has their own frequency protocol.  

But the presumed golden rule is to get your car service at least once in 6 months.  

Car maintenance signs are varied and will be discussed in the next section. Car servicing frequencies are determined by calculating time/duration travelled.  

Car Maintenance Checklist: Dashboard Problems 

The only mode of communication that we have with our car’s engine is the dashboard. Each light represents one component. The lights going off are warnings against the same component.  

Battery Lights 

Easy to understand as the icon represents a battery. Often the battery light goes on and off, seeming perfectly normal when on the go.  

But it isn’t as petty. There could be underlying issues with the battery that could cause huge damage in the recent future.  

Oil Pressure 

Represented by an oil can, this warning light may indicate low levels of oil or leaks, too. Ignoring this light could mean ignoring broken oil pump or a faulty piston. 

To save yourself from spending a month’s rent on your car, keep an eye on the oil pressure light.  

Tire Pressure 

An incomplete sphere with an exclamation mark is what the TPM light looks like. This monitors tire pressure.  

It helps one check if either of the tires has less air pressure. Allowing the driver to refill the tire to avoid mishaps while on the road.  

Engine Lights 

Mother of dashboard lights. This icon looks like an engine’s layout. It’s often shown by CHECK ENGINE text on the dashboard.  

This light detects minor as well as major issues. Such as loose wires, faulty spark plugs as well as major engine breakdown.  

Coolant Lights 

A thermometer amid waves is what the coolant light looks like. This light detects heating issues. 

 Caused by a hose leak, damaged water pump or a broken coolant, heating issues affect engines to the brim.  

So, a well-functioning coolant light is integral to the car’s well-being.  

Transmission Temperature Lights 

This light helps locate overheating issues in the gearbox.  

Once detected, check for fluid transmission and other heating components that could’ve gone wrong.  

Brake system  

This light detects issues with the brakes- engaged parking brakes, minimal brake fluid or a glitch in the ABS (Anti-lock braking system).  

Traction Control Light  

A car on the road is what the symbol looks like. This takes care of stability issues such damaged wheel pace sensors. 

 It also detects issues with the hydraulic pump.  

This light also turns on when driving on uneven and wet surfaces. But when on dry and plain surface, this light indicates major issues.  

The other dashboard lights are indicative of petty issues such as open doors or hanging airbags. Such aren’t the criteria for maintenance.  

Car Maintenance Checklist: Unusual Noises  

Gear Sounds 

  • This indicates problems with gear transmission. 
  •  Or it can also simply mean that the clutch has lost its longevity.  

Sounds from tire 

  • Besides tight turns and high speeds, squealing comes from lack of air in one or more of the tires.  
  • Increasing buzz from tires means uneven tires. The best alternative is to replace it with a new tire. Wheel alignment routines may help lessen such conditions.  
  • Loud tire thuds mean deflated tires or suspension problem. Such a noise could mean the end of the said tire.  

Brake Sounds 

  • Brakes are anyway prone to damage because of the high exertion of pressure.  
  • Whirring brakes means expired brake pads.  
  • This could also mean damaged callipers and rotor disks. Replacing brakes is cheaper than replacing these.  
  • Squeaks while pushing the brake may mean that your wear indicator is signalling you to replace your car brakes.  

Steering Sounds 

  • Squealing noise while turning the steering may be because of reduced steering fluid. Refilling the same will solve the problem.  
  • Malfunctioning suspension joints result in sudden clicks and pops.  
  • Another issue could be with the wheel bearings.  

Engine Sounds 

  • Several sounds indicate different issues with the engine. As the engine is the most important component of the car, these issues are to be taken most seriously.  

Car Maintenance Checklist: Leaks 

Power Steering Leak  

  • Reddish/brown pigmented fluid in the front of the car may indicate steering issues. This issue requires immediate attention.  

Water Leak  

  • Leaked watery fluid may be the result of a broken air conditioning system. 
  • It could also be because of the exhaust as well as the windscreen washer device.  

Radiator Leak  

  • A pink, yellow or green adhesive liquid leak is due to an issue with antifreeze systems.  
  • An issue with the radiator requires resolution immediately. 

Brake Fluid Leak 

  • This liquid can be colourless or brown. It runs down the passenger side. 
  • This issue demands immediate satisfaction.  

Oil Leak 

  • Dark brown to yellow in colour. If found under the car, it means oil leaks.  
  • Oil leaks are caused due to eroded oil filters, engine gasket, etc.  

Transmission Fluid Leak  

  • Red to brown in colour.  
  • If you notice leaks just in the middle spot of where your car is parked, chances are it’s the transmission fluid.  

Car Maintenance Checklist: Unusual Smoke 

Black Smoke 

  • Too much black smoke may mean extra fuel usage than usual.  
  • Other reasons are unclean air filters and damaged carburettors.  

White Smoke 

  • Antifreeze leaks result in white smoke due to overheating.  
  • Thick white smoke is hazardous. It results from faulty cylinder and could lead to major breakdown.  

Blue Smoke 

  • Burnt engine oil results in blue smoke. 
  • Faulty piston rings and gaskets also lead to glitches in the combustion engine. That also emits blue smoke.  
  • Broken PCV valve also causes blue smoke.  

Gray Smoke 

  • Broken turbocharger affects combustion process. This can result in grey smoke. 
  • The car’s heating system is managed by the transmission controller. Often, a broken transmission controller leads to a fluid leak. This, in turn, results in grey smoke.   
  • Rusty PCV valves may also cause leaks. Thus, emitting grey smoke.  


Car Maintenance Checklist: Unusual Smells 

  • A mildew smell comes from the car’s AC. This means there are issues with the coolant or the entire AC system.  
  • Sulfuric odour is released because of a broken catalytic converter. 
  • Syrupy-sweet smell may indicate coolant leak. This can be diagnosed solely by experts.  
  • Too-hot rotor disks send-off burning smells. If it doesn’t subside, it could be suggestive of an oil leak.  
  • If you just got gas and can smell gas, that’s nothing to worry about. However, if it maintains its concentration, it could be indicative of oil leak.  
  • Overuse of insulation can lead to electric smells. It could also be due to short circuits in electrical components.  

Car Maintenance Checklist: Engine 

  • Broken spark plugs can cause misfiring. Such can also be caused by a damaged engine control panel.  
  • Engine coolants require regular cleaning. Or they overheat the car. Engine coolants are ideally cleaned annually. However, every car runs on a different timeline.  
  • Oil leaks because of worn-out gaskets, piston rings and bolts are occurrences that can be avoided by regular maintenance.  
  • Worn-out ignition coils or spark plugs can cause coarse engine performance.  
  • Grease lubrication is often neglected. But it is highly essential to maintain well-functioning of the car.  
  • Imbalance between air and fuel content can lead to inefficient performance.  
  • Oxygen sensors stabilize fuel economy. But broken sensors lead to inefficient driving and high usage of fuel.  

Why Car Maintenance is Important? 

  • Helps your car have a longer lifespan.  
  • Reduces exorbitant expenses caused by major breakdowns.  
  • Keeps you stress-free when going on long journeys.  
  • Car maintenance intervals are maintained thoroughly. This keeps your car functioning to the optimum.  

Car Maintenance Expenses 

Expense varies with different cars. Above all, car maintenance companies have varied rates based on their reputation. Not only that, but each component’s maintenance also has its own rates. For example,  

  • Oil/Filter Replacement: $50-300. 
  • Air Filter: $20-$150. 
  • Tire fixes: $20-$200. 
  • Overall Inspection charges can cost up to $300.  

The Final Takeaway 

We, at Kochhar Motors, have attempted to provide a car maintenance guide. This blog deals with the different car maintenance essentials as well as car maintenance warning signs. Hoping this helps you navigate through the petty and major issues you’re facing with your car.  

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