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Car Problems Cold Winter Weather in Australia
Vehicle Repair

7 Common Problems Your Car Faces in Cold Winter Weather in Australia

While Australia may not experience the extreme cold that winter brings to most other parts of the world, it does have negative effects on vehicles. Cold weather results in a few major problems that could affect the safety and performance of your vehicle. 

We are discussing the 7 most common car problems that you are likely to face in the cold winter months and some of the simple solutions that you can resort to for the smooth running of your vehicle in this blog.

Importance of Identifying Car Problems in Winter:

It is important, that you identify car problems during the winter. Cold further deteriorates such problems and creates new ones, making your car less reliable and more prone to breaking down.
Familiarity with issues such as these will enable you to deal by fixing them before they turn out to be major problems. Routine maintenance and timely repair will help keep your car safe working and, on the road, further increasing its lifespan and saving you money in the end.

1. Battery Problems

Problem: For most drivers, the most common problem experienced during winter is a weak or dead battery. Basically, during the season, the vehicle battery chills and is unable to offer adequate power to start the engine. Chemical reactions within the battery slow when temperatures drop, limiting the amount of electricity the battery can store. On cold mornings, then, an old or weak battery might not start your car, which can leave you stranded.

Solution: A winter without regular battery maintenance is a problem waiting to happen. You should start with the practice of checking your battery regularly to ensure it remains in its prime condition. Look at the terminals to ensure not only that they are clean but also free from any kind of corrosion. The existing corrosion could build up. and block the flow of electricity, making it that much harder for your battery to function. You may clean up the terminals with a mixture of baking soda and some water using an old toothbrush. If your battery is over three years old, it may be time for a new one, since in the cold this is when older batteries fail.

Also, a set of jumper cables is very useful to have with you. Should the battery fail, you can connect your car to another car with jumper cables to start it. Another recommendation is to try and keep your car in the garage or under at least some cover. This will help save your battery from extremely cold weather.

2. Thicker Fluids

Problem: Cold weather affects the texture of your car’s fluids, including oil, transmission fluid, and coolant. When your fluids thicken up, they don’t easily slough through the engine and other working parts, which causes the car not to be as easily driven. If, for instance, the oil thickens, it cannot and does not flow easily through all the moving parts in the engine, resulting in more wear and tear.

Solution: You won’t have these issues with heavy fluids by attempting a type of oil referred to as winter-grade oil. Winter-grade oil is designed to travel more easily through your engine cold to lubricate better. Check with your car’s owner’s manual or your automotive mechanic to see what they recommend as the best oil for winter driving.

Other fluids that you need to check in your car include transmission fluid and coolant. Top them up at the recommended levels and ensure the coolant is mixed with the proper amount of antifreeze to avoid freezing the fluid. The right amount of fluid will ensure that the engine is well lubricated and thus runs smoothly, even in colder temperatures.

3. Tire Pressure Decreases

Problem: As the temperature falls, so does the air pressure in your tires. When the weather becomes colder, the air in tires decreases, causing the tire to flatten. Low tire pressure compromises traction on slippery icy or wet roads. So, one cannot control the car which results in higher chances of blowout dangers and unevenly worn-out tires.

Solution: Maintain your tires in good weather for a good period by regularly checking to see that your tire pressure is okay. Recommended tire pressure can be found in your car’s manual or mostly on a sticker on the inside of its door. In most cases, it’s measured in pounds per square inch, and you will need to add air when that pressure is low.

Consider changing your car tires if you stay in a place where the snow or ice flow is heavy. Winter tires are specifically designed to work in cold conditions while driving to help you have a better grip while driving on slippery surfaces. Ensuring your vehicle has proper tire care for driving is a must during the winter.

4. Icy Windshield Wipers

Problem: Wiper blades freeze onto a windshield in cold weather. Turn them on, and they break or get damaged. Now, with this kind of damage, your wipers can’t clear your window as they should, so you’ve got no visibility, which is dangerous, especially in winter driving conditions.

Solution: Before you set out, confirm that your windshield wipers are not frozen to the windshield. Pull them up and give them a gentle tug to make sure they are not frozen in place. If they are, do not pry them loose—this will break the rubber. Instead, use an ice melter spray or some lukewarm water, but never apply hot water, as this will crack the windshield.

You might also apply winter wiper blades. These blades are designed to be tough enough to stand up to the cold and are far less likely to freeze in place on your windshield. Keep your windshield washer fluid full and be sure to add antifreeze to the fluid so it doesn’t freeze up in the lines.

5. Thickened Fuel

Problem: Diesel fuel has the potential to gel in extremely cold temperatures. When this does occur, it will be much too thick to run through the fuel lines and injectors, leaving you either not able to start your car, or with difficult starts. This is mainly a problem for diesel engines but can happen to any vehicle in extremely cold temperatures.

Solution: Use winter-grade diesel fuel, which decreases the chance that your diesel fuel will thicken or gel during the cold-weather season. Alternatively, you might add a commercially available fuel additive designed to aid in the prevention of gelling. These types of additives are easy to come by at just about any auto parts store.

Make sure you fuel your car before you park it for long periods. A full tank minimizes the amount of air in the tank and decreases the moisture level that could condense so that less moisture is made available to cause problems. If you reside in a location with extremely cold winters, consider purchasing a block heater to keep your engine warm and make it easier to start in the morning.

6. Frosted Windshields

Problem: Overnight, frost or ice might form on your windshield, and if it does, it can cause poor visibility when you start your car in the morning. The process of scraping ice off your windshield can take a good amount of time. Therefore, if you are in a hurry, it may be tempting to scrape just a small portion of your windshield and try to drive with only that portion clear. This results in a very similar solution to the previous cause.

Solution: Cover your windshield with a frost guard or blanket overnight to stop ice from forming on it. Very easy, but it can save you a lot of time in the morning. In case of ice forms, you can remove it by scraping an ice scraper across the windshield or using de-icing spray. Do not use hot water to de-ice the windshield, as rapid changes in temperature can cause the glass to crack.

It is also very important to ensure that the formulation of the windshield washer fluid has antifreeze in it. This makes sure that while driving, the formation of frost and ice is cleared out by this fluid.

7. Brake Issues

Problem: Cold temperatures may affect your braking system, mainly with moisture in the brake lines or if the brake pads are worn off. Moisture inside the brake lines is likely to freeze, leading to a lost full braking action and, in some instances, cars going out of control due to completely failed brakes. Cold weather makes the grip of worn brake pads slip, thus increasing the gaps one needs to stop a car.

Solution: Get your brakes checked by a professional before winter. They will check the condition of your brakes, ensuring optimal levels of brake fluids. Make sure you replace the brake pads in case they have worn out before winter. Proper functioning of the brakes is very essential for safety, especially on icy or slippery roads.

Seek Professional Help from Kochhar Motors

If you notice any kind of out-of-place noise from the brakes, like a squeal or grind, or feel a little less bite from the brakes, it’s probably time for a professional check. Don’t wait for it to become a big problem; you’ll only make the repair more expensive.

As much as one would like to take care of car problems, even the small ones are worth major harm. Doing it oneself in small fixing, without proper tools and expertise, might end up causing problems to get worse or causing new issues that will be even more expensive to deal with. This is the reason it is always better to leave car repairs to professionals.

Several services offered at Kochhar Motors keep one’s car in good running condition during those harsh winter months. Besides, experienced mechanics diagnose and undertake repairs to any issue that might be affecting your car, whether it is battery problems, brake repairs, or whatnot. The latest tools and technology are used by the team to bring your car into top working condition, thus providing peaceful driving on the road.

The services offered at Kochhar Motors include every type of car repair and maintenance, suitable for your specific needs. Some of the many services offered include battery testing and replacement, tire inspection, asking, fluid, and brake inspections. We know how difficult winters are and want to help you get through this season as safely as possible. To that end, our team has you covered with everything from fast check-ups to major repairs.


Read More:

Top Benefits of Regular Vehicle Maintenance & Servicing



We all know that the winter weather in Australia can be accompanied by several challenges for your car, but a little care and maintenance can make your vehicle run smoothly even in these adversities. This will prevent the big glitches from happening shortly. In case you are not assured of your capability to fix the problems yourself, never hesitate to visit us at Kochhar Motors to get the right treatments for your vehicle. We are here to be of help to keep you safe on the road, whatever the weather is.

Don’t wait until it’s too late. Visit us at Kochhar Motors today for a professional diagnosis and repair. We work with an expert team that is ready to offer all the help you could need for your car maintenance.


Q1. How often am I supposed to make sure winter tire pressures are checked? 

A. Tire pressures should be checked at least monthly during the cold weather season. The effect of the drop in pressure brought on by the cold weather calls for regular inspections to maintain proper traction and safety. 

Q2. Can I use regular windshield wiper blades in winter? 

A. While regular wiper blades would work, changing to winter wiper blades is better because they can function in snow and ice, giving the driver better visibility and durability in cold weather. 

Q3. What To Do If My Car Won’t Start In Winter? 

A. First check the battery if your car does not start. Batteries will discharge even more power in the cold; hence, you might require a jump start. But if it still won’t go, it’s best to have it attended to by a professional mechanic from Kochhar Motors. 

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